3 changes you should know about

If you are subscribed to MOJO newsletters or following me on any social media platform, please watch the video or read the following.

1) Change in Business/Messaging Direction:

* I’m shifting focus to talk more about marketing, speak directly to marketers, and referring to entrepreneurs as marketers.

Even if you are not a marketer by trade but you do your own marketing, you are a marketer in my book, and I will refer to you as such.

If you do not love marketing (or at least want to learn how to fall in love with it), my work is not for you.

This is coming from a realization that my work has always been about helping entrepreneurial marketers to their inner artists. I shared this in last week's MOJO #111, Make Marketing Art Again

*I want to avoid unnecessary spiritual language. While you are welcome to share your beliefs, I want to keep my brand agnostic when it comes to spirituality. i.e. I hope you don't assume I believe in whatever you believe in just because we are both spiritual and vice versa.

* The core of my message and work haven't changed. It is still about helping spiritual and creative entrepreneurs create from a place of authentic self-expression in their marketing and branding.

2) What to Expect as a Newsletter Subscriber:

* Social Media: More of my old-style content focused on practical "how-to" marketing tips and actionable advice. Still sharing my perspective and personal stories - as they relate to the work, combined with practical guidance.

* (MOJO) Newsletters: 1 Weekly email summarizing content published that week across social media.

* Newsletters also get invitations to free monthly workshops/Q&As where we can interact directly.

* I may experiment with how often I want to send, or completely change my mind about how I do my content. It’s important to me to maintain my creative freedom. But if the frequency changes, I will let you know explicitly, like this message.

3) Communication/Relationship Boundaries:

* I will no longer respond to excessively personal messages or communications that don't relate to my work on marketing, or building a brand & business with your full self-expression.

* I want to maintain boundaries and avoid relationships that become too intimate beyond a professional client or subscriber dynamic.

* No unspoken expectations: I wanna continue being myself, if openness evolves naturally, it doesn’t automatically mean I am also committing to any form of relationship.

* If this happened, I am not saying you crossed any boundaries, and I sincerely enjoyed our conversations. But I want you to know for the future.

* An assistant will help filter messages to identify work-related vs overly personal communications - please be aware for your privacy. However, besides technical questions (e.g. “How do I reset my password”, etc) I will continue personally responding to you.

* You are still encouraged to reach out with content-related questions and to share your accomplishments, milestones, and celebrations. Please be personal and be yourself. Just know that excessively personal questions and conversations will likely go unanswered.

With love, Aleana

Make Marketing Art Again
Why do you deny yourself?

1 comment

LauRina Radich

full self expression is for all of us!  ....cupeled with no attachment to others responses or actions... we all must be the Boatmen of our own lives  ...always taking full responsibility....as we interact with each other's lives and creations! ;-)) 

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