"I've been saying the same thing!" Why people don't listen to you the same way.

An old client once told me that his partner was upset because he was taking my advice.

See, this partner had been telling him the same things for years. But my client never listened.

And I completely understand his frustration. I understand how it made him feel like he wasn't trusted, or like his opinion didn't matter.

I understand because I've been in similar situations before - in businesses, jobs, and even personal relationships.

There was a time when I used to get frustrated if someo…

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MOJO # 65: When did I get so serious

Sometimes all we need is a gentle kick to the peach.

I asked myself this question today: When did you get so serious?

You see, I've been taking this content game way too seriously.

I've been worrying about doing it right. The right topics, that are relevant to my work and helpful to the listener. The right attitude - don't cuss, don't laugh too much, don't have too much fun. It's a business. The right standard. Is it ever good enough?

This led me to publish less. Waaay less. I went from 4+…

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MOJO # 63: "Why is my social media not working?"

If you've ever felt like your social media efforts are a complete waste of time and energy, you're not alone.

In this video, I'll share what I learned about using social media successfully. Not an advanced strategy, the latest trends, or tips to hack the algorithm. Instead, I want to share with you a timeless approach that will work on any platform, now and forever.

The illusion of direct ROI

The common misconception about social media is the belief in a direct return on investment. The f…

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MOJO # 62: Brand Promise vs. Offers

You've poured your heart and soul into creating this offer, which is exactly the solution that you needed but couldn't find in the world.

So why isn't it resonating with the market? Surely you're not the only one to have struggled with that problem?

If you've experienced this, you're not alone. One of the most common mistakes that spiritual creatives make is confusing Brand Promise with an actual offer.

Your brand promise is one of the fundamentals of your business. It's what you resol…

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MOJO # 60: You will be misunderstood

It's not your job to clean other people's lenses.


One of the hardest burdens I had to let go of is that of being misunderstood.

It was always painful to realize that someone did not see me the way I saw myself.

And whenever that happened, instead of questioning the validity of their judgment, I questioned myself.

I even questioned my own sense of reality, warping my own perspective, trying to get into theirs:

"Am I really that? Surely I must be at least partially that, otherwise…

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Brand Essence Meditation

How would you like to speak to the spirit of your brand?

This meditation will help you go there so you can better understand (and express) its essence.


You'll even get a better understanding of how to express it in the physical form, with color, shapes, and more.

The process was inspired by teachings and methods from Jeffrey Perlman, Suzy Batiz, and many psychedelic ceremonies. :)

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MOJO # 59: Is it out of alignment, or are you just procrastinating?

That resistance you feel, is it a sign that the thing you're about to do is out of alignment?

How do you know if it's just an excuse your mind is making up to avoid doing the work?

You may not know this, but years ago, I used to be all about that hustle.

I would wake up at 5 a.m. (after going to bed pretty late) and go straight to my laptop.

Huffin' and puffin' on whatever I could smoke, guzzling black and bitter coffee, typing away while listening to 5 podcasts in the background about adv…

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